In frames of the Project, the development of North- and West-Estonia and the islands during the period 600–1600 AD will be considered, paying main attention to the transition processes during the change from pre-conquest society to medieval feudal structures. Four main aspects of development – changes in the pattern of cultural landscape, economy, social relations and ideology – will be treated in close connection to each other, using modern methods and theoretical approches of intepretation. Though predominantly based on archaeological evidence, the resarch will be interdisciplinary. The study will be carried out at three different levels: local, district and regional. Special attention will be paid to differences in the development of Estonian regions, and to the problems of continuity. The research areas will be treated in a wider international context, comparing them with other coastal regions around the Baltic.
- 14,03
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- фотге)))))))))
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- ***
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Обо мне

- Co_De
- You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one, I hope some day you will join us, And the world will live as one... ♡♡♡